Fiche cheval mega bonus

R2C5 du

plathappy valley1200M144729kwoon chung macau limousine rental services handicap section 112 partantsdépart à 12:40
11golden riseH62p2p(24)2p6pmoore r./101:09
22prime mortarH70p2p7p(24)0porman j./1cte tete
310young horizonH78p0p(24)8p6pwong e.c.w./11 l 1/2
411silver spursH56p8p3p(24)5pbadel a./11/2 l
53mega bonusH83p0p0p(24)0pferraris l./11/2 l
68lucky blessingH40p4p9p(24)5pchung y.l./1cte tete
76colourful winnerH50p5p(24)7p2pyeung m.l./11/2 l
812smiling emperorH4(24)0p0p0p0phewitson l./1tete
95taihang sceneryH59p(24)3p9p6pbentley h./11/2 l
104star figureH4Inéditbowman h./11 l 1/4
117spicy spangleH57p(24)0p0p3pchadwick m./1tete
129macanese masterH60p4p(24)0p7pthompson b./12 l

R5C2 du

plathappy valley1200M144729kwai chung handicap section 112 partantsdépart à 11:05
Non-partants : 3
112tactical commandH63p0p(24)9p6pbadel a./101:09
25our lucky gloryH76p(24)0p0p4pbentley h./1tete
36mega bonusH80p0p(24)0p0pavdulla b./1encolure
42perfect generalH53p(24)6p1p5phewitson l./11/2 l
57golden friendshipH44pferraris l./1cte tete
611iconicalH59p8p(24)0pteetan k./11 l 1/4
74gameplayer eliteH67p0p(24)9p9pmarquand t./1encolure
98magic beansH50porman j./1cte tete
101golden luckH65p3p(24)5p6pwong e.c.w./1tete
3swagger broH50p5p8p(24)6pyeung m.l./1
810bits superstarH56p0p9p(24)5pchau c.l./12 l 1/2
119noble goH50p8patzeni a./16 l 1/2

R2C3 du

plathappy valley1200M144729wai yip handicap - sec 312 partantsdépart à 11:40
110glory bH67p(24)2p5p0phewitson l.6.5/1
29good prospectH40p(24)0p4p8patzeni a.25/1
36great spiritH57p(24)9p5p3ppoon m.f.12/1
41sky jewelleryH41pbowman h.1.55/1
2mega bonusH80p(24)0p0p0pteetan k.27/1
3prime mortarH72p7p(24)0p4pchung y.l.25/1
4taihang sceneryH5(24)3p9p6pbentley h.12/1
5bits superstarH50p9p(24)5p9pchau c.l.108/1
7super charizzardH54p(24)1p6p1pferraris l.16/1
8cosmo navigatorH67p(24)1p5p3phamelin a.20/1
11the primeH58p6p(24)0p7pyeung m.l.70/1
12island goldenH60p(24)0p0p1pmo h.t.81/1

R2C5 du

plathappy valley1200M136527great george handicap - section 212 partantsdépart à 12:40
15happy soulH7(24)3p7p5p8pho c.y./101:10
22circuit duffyH5(24)8p1p6ppoon m.f./11 l 1/4
311ka ying powerH5(24)4p9p7p0pchau c.l./11/2 l
412talents supremoH6(24)0p7p4p2pteetan k./1nez
59lakeshore heroH5(24)6p8p3pavdulla b./11/4 l
68spirit of peaceH5(24)5ppurton z./1nez
74happy parkH5(24)4p1p2p7patzeni a./11/2 l
86iconicalH5(24)0phewitson l./11 l
910lucky planetH6(24)0p6p7p1ppouchin a./12 l
103one for allH7(24)0p9p8p0pferraris l./11/4 l
111mega bonusH8(24)0p0p0p0pleung k.c./11 l
127la momentoH5Inéditchadwick m./14 l 1/2

R2C8 du

plathappy valley1200M217043zhaoqing handicap12 partantsdépart à 08:40
17young emperorH3Inéditferraris l.42/101:09
28romantic sonH4Inéditpurton z.2.5/11/2 l
310righteous arionH54p4p4p5p1pchung y.l.6.4/1cte tete
42celestial coloursH52p3p0p0p0pbowman h.3.85/12 l 1/2
54rising from ashesH70p8p0p5p6pmo h.t.45/1cte tete
63bright dayH5Inéditleung k.c.31/1cte tete
76find my loveH59p6p0p0p8pbentley h.7.95/13/4 l
89lucky combinationH4Inéditchadwick m.16/1tete
95equatorialH40p9pteetan k.135/11 l 1/2
1011star glowH40pho c.y.167/11 l 1/2
1112mega bonusH70p0p0p0p1ppoon m.f.39/1cte tete
121reward smileH48p2p6p4p5pavdulla b.10/11 l 3/4

R6C6 du

plathappy valley1200M217043the longines cup (handicap) - section 212 partantsdépart à 13:45
11brave starH61p9p5p0p4pho c.y./1
23prawns elevenH58p7p2p7p7pbentley h./1
36healthy healthyH54p2p8p5p5ppurton z./1
2happy fat catH60p0p7p1p7pwong e.c.w./1
4beauty infinityH50p0p6p4p2pavdulla b./1
5lucky archangelH73p0p1p0p9ppoon m.f./1
7mega bonusH70p0p0p1p0patzeni a./1
8king profitH40phewitson l./1
9positive smileH4Inéditthompson b./1
10riding highH40pchadwick m./1
11victor the rapidH40p3pteetan k./1
12mighty commanderH40p6p7p6pferraris l./1

R6C8 du

plathappy valley1200M217043lido handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:50
18super joy n funH43p5p4p2p1pchau c.l./101:10
21reward smileH46p4p5p0p5pbowman h./1
36lucky archangelH70p1p0p9p8ppoon m.f./1
2sugar sugarH65p6p6p4p3pwong e.c.w./1
3happy fat catH67p1p7p9p1phamelin a./1
4golden empireH60p6p2p9p7pho c.y./1
5never too soonH78p2p9p2p0pde melo k./1
7mega bonusH70p1p0p5p5pferraris l./1
9righteous arionH54p5p1p2p5pavdulla b./1
10ka ying cheerH54p2p2p3p2ppurton z./1
11king eccellenteH68p3p0p0p2pbentley h./1
12one for allH61p4p7p0p0phewitson l./1
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